Friday, April 13, 2007

Thursday 3rd May 2007

Anyone wishing to come along, please book by posting a comment. Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool induction or have the appropriate qualifications for the disciplines they are training in.

Thursday 26th April 2007

Anyone wishing to come along, please book by posting a comment. Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool induction or have the appropriate qualifications for the disciplines they are training in.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Loïc Leferme (28 August 1970 – 11 April 2007)

Originally uploaded by Laura Storm.
Never forgotten.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Thursday 19th April 2007

Anyone wishing to come along, please book by posting a comment. Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool induction or have the appropriate qualifications for the disciplines they are training in.