Sunday, December 14, 2008

Thursday 15th January 2009

Anyone who has previously trained with Richmond Freediving, and wishes to come along, please book by posting a comment. Anyone wishing to attend who has not previously trained with Richmond Freediving, please contact Mark H first.

Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool introduction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Friday, December 05, 2008

Thursday 8th January 2009

Anyone who has previously trained with Richmond Freediving, and wishes to come along, please book by posting a comment. Anyone wishing to attend who has not previously trained with Richmond Freediving, please contact Mark H first.

Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool introduction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Thursday 1st January 2009

No pool session tonight. Happy New Year.

Thursday 25th December 2008

No pool session tonight. Everyone's decked-out on the sofa.

Thursday 18th December 2008

No pool session tonight. Last Thursday night late night shopping?

Monday, December 01, 2008

Thursday 11th December 2008

Anyone who has previously trained with Richmond Freediving, and wishes to come along, please book by posting a comment. Anyone wishing to attend who has not previously trained with Richmond Freediving, please contact Mark H first.

Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool introduction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thursday 4th December 2008

I don't know what everyone has been eating and drinking since I have been away, but we are having a spate of PB's, especially in Statics. George, Mariette, Gary and Alfonso have all made considerable increases, with Gary and Alfonso doing week-on PBs. Interesting that there has been a switch to static from dynamic as the most popular discipline ( which has taken about 4 years to happen! )

Tonight, Magda, Lawrence, Ian and Mark did the dynamic thing. George, Mariette, Gary and Alfonso on static duty.

Thursday 27th November 2008

Anyone who has previously trained with Richmond Freediving, and wishes to come along, please book by posting a comment. Anyone wishing to attend who has not previously trained with Richmond Freediving, please contact Mark H first.

Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool introduction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Friday, November 07, 2008

Thursday 20th November 2008

Anyone who has previously trained with Richmond Freediving, and wishes to come along, please book by posting a comment. Anyone wishing to attend who has not previously trained with Richmond Freediving, please contact Mark H first.

Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool introduction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Christmas Pizza

Christmas pizza
Originally uploaded by the rab.
Time to turn our thoughts to the festive season, and an evening in the local pizzeria instead of the Richmond Baths. As per tradition, this will be in January, when a slice of warm Neopolitan and a glass or two of Chianti win hands down over floating toenails and hairclips.

So, for all of you regulars and irregulars, head on over to:

"Dude, where's my Pizza"

and put down your names and availability. Mr h will take care of the rest.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday 13th November 2008

Anyone who has previously trained with Richmond Freediving, and wishes to come along, please book by posting a comment. Anyone wishing to attend who has not previously trained with Richmond Freediving, please contact Mark H first.

Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool introduction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Thursday 6th November 2008

OMG. Static full house! Housemates being George, Louise, Mariette, Alfonso, Toby and Mark. The dynamic minority were Magda, Nick, Ian and Gary.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thursday 30th October 2008

Static contingent tonight - Georgie, Louise, Gary and Toby. Dynamic were Magda, Alfonso and Mark.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Thursday 23rd October 2008

Anyone who has previously trained with Richmond Freediving, and wishes to come along, please book by posting a comment. Anyone wishing to attend who has not previously trained with Richmond Freediving, please contact Mark H first.

Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool introduction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Friday, October 03, 2008

Thursday 16th October

Dynamic devotees were Louise, Lawrence, Nick, Alfonso and Ian. Static stalwarts were George, Tom, Toby and Mark.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Thursday 9th October 2008

Nearly a full house tonight, with Louise, Nick, Mariette, Ian, Alfonso and Mark taking on the dynamic challenge. Static bobbing corks were Flavia, George, Tom and Gary.

...and Happy Birthday to George!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Out The Richmond Monkey

Mr Sykes
Originally uploaded by Laura Storm.

Monkey catchers unite. We *can* catch the Richmond Monkey, and here's how:

Monkey Cage

Put your name in, and then tick off from the choice, who you think it is. Not sure? Put up to 3 ticks. Someone not on the list who you suspect? Send me an email and I'll add them.

I haven't added all Richmond regulars, as some of you haven't been coming along for as long as the primate has been vandalising the blog. So unless someone suggests otherwise, you are eliminated from the list of suspects.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Thursday 2nd October 2008

Congratulations to Mariette, who successfully completed the pool introduction.

Georgie, Gary and Toby meanwhile busied themselves with a spot of static.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thursday 25th September 2008

Static attendees were George and Mariette. Dynamic attendees were Lawrence, Gary, Nick, Ian and Mark.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Thursday 18th September 2008

Welcome tonight to John McGeagh, joining Louise, Lawrence and Gary for life in the fast lane. Down easy static streets - Georgie, Mariette and Mark.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Thursday 11th September 2008

Oh yes, it's ladies' night, and when the lane is right ( or left ), then Magda and Lo-u-i-se get it on, ( dynamic, oh yeah ).

Meanwhile, in the shallows, Mark manages to finally freak out the whole pool ( Scoobies as well ) with a rather spectacular demonstration blackout for the course attendees.

No-body doooes it better...

Friday, August 22, 2008

Thursday 4th September 2008

Our dymaniacs tonight were Louise, Magda, Theo, Ross, Toby and Lawrence. The 2 staticstitions were Ian and Mark. Laura Storm was Dugong photographer.

Who's going to be the first to buy one of these then?

Friday, August 15, 2008

Thursday 28th August 2008

Being very dynamic tonight were Magda, Lawrence, Toby, Ross and Nick. Sleepy in static were Flavia, Brian, Theo and Mark. Theo gave us a lesson in minimalism ( or absent mindism ) by not having mask or noseclips. To finish things off properly, he shredded the top half of his wetsuit and cast it to one side.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Thursday 21st August 2008

Welcome tonight to Nick, who joined Toby and Mark in the dynamic lane.

Where has everyone gone? The answer is twofold. Firstly, the World Championships are on in Egypt. Secondly it is the Bank Holiday weekend. For prospective attendees waiting in the wings, please be patient - the introductory courses are on their way.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Thursday 14th August 2008

Anyone who has previously trained with Richmond Freediving, and wishes to come along, please book by posting a comment. Anyone wishing to attend who has not previously trained with Richmond Freediving, please contact Mark H first. Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool induction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Friday, July 25, 2008

Thursday 7th August 2008

Dynamic demons tonight were Magda, Roy, Gary, Toby and Lawrence.

Static stallions were Georgie, Louise and Mark.

Big thanks to Anne-Marie for helping out with safety. On a disappointing note, I was asked to make payment for Anne-Marie for her doing this, even though she wasn't in the water (!) If someone gives up their time to help out, and with no benefit to themselves, I find it impossible to justify this. However, that appears to be one of the new 'rules' for us to abide, so in future be aware - once you go into the pool area, suited or not, pool fees are expected.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Thursday 31st July 2008

Anyone who has previously trained with Richmond Freediving, and wishes to come along, please book by posting a comment. Anyone wishing to attend who has not previously trained with Richmond Freediving, please contact Mark H first. Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool induction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Friday, July 11, 2008

Thursday 24th July 2008

Anyone who has previously trained with Richmond Freediving, and wishes to come along, please book by posting a comment. Anyone wishing to attend who has not previously trained with Richmond Freediving, please contact Mark H first. Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool induction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Friday, July 04, 2008

Thursday 17th July 2008

A big welcome tonight to Louise and Brian. Both had a go at static, and both scored 4m+ PB's. I'm impressed!

Also in the static corner were Lucia and Mark, while George, Toby, Ian and Gary contented themselves with dynamic.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Thursday 10th July 2008

Anyone who has previously trained with Richmond Freediving, and wishes to come along, please book by posting a comment. Anyone wishing to attend who has not previously trained with Richmond Freediving, please contact Mark H first. Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool induction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Monday, June 23, 2008

Thursday 3rd July 2008

Tonight's pentapneists: Ian, Toby, Roy, Lawrence and Mark. Benny made sure we all actually went in and trained.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Thursday 26th June 2008

Anyone who has previously trained with Richmond Freediving, and wishes to come along, please book by posting a comment. Anyone wishing to attend who has not previously trained with Richmond Freediving, please contact Mark H first. Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool induction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Thursday 19th June 2008

Anyone who has previously trained with Richmond Freediving, and wishes to come along, please book by posting a comment. Anyone wishing to attend who has not previously trained with Richmond Freediving, please contact Mark H first. Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool induction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Thursday 12th June 2008

Anyone who has previously trained with Richmond Freediving, and wishes to come along, please book by posting a comment. Anyone wishing to attend who has not previously trained with Richmond Freediving, please contact Mark H first. Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool induction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Friday, May 23, 2008

Thursday 5th June 2008

A big welcome to Flavia, who joined us for the first time tonight for dynamic. Other tadpoles were Lawrence, Gary, Ian and Mark. ( Ian brought his suction pads along, and will be using them at the pool very soon....)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Thursday 29th May 2008

Anyone wishing to come along, please book by posting a comment. Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool induction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Friday, May 09, 2008

Thursday 22nd May 2008

Static, the sport of champions, was completely neglected tonight. Dynamic on the other hand fully booked, with Lucia, Lawrence, Roy, Toby, Ian and Mark in the flow of things. Well done to Lawrence on completing his induction.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Thursday 15th May 2008

Anyone wishing to come along, please book by posting a comment. Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool induction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Friday, April 25, 2008

Thursday 8th May 2008

Six monofinners - bi-fins are truly dead - in lane 1. Magda, Roy, Gary, Toby, Ben and Mark. Protecting the shallows in a static way, were Anna and Lawrence.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Thursday 1st May 2008

Charge of the Dynamic Brigade consisting of Magda, George, Roy, Ian, Gary and Mark. Sleepy in Static were Liv, Ben, Lawrence and Toby. The monkey does not exist, the monkey does not exist, the monkey does not.....

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thursday 24th April 2008

Anyone wishing to come along, please book by posting a comment. Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool induction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Thursday 17th April 2008

** Training cancelled tonight due to swim gala.**

Friday, March 28, 2008

Thursday 10th April 2008

** EVERYONE PLEASE READ - ESPECIALLY 'REGULARS'. Tonight there is a pool induction running in the marked-off lane. This means NO DYNAMIC SLOTS, just for this Thursday. ( So the text in the next paragraph does not apply this week. ) The shallow end outside our lane will still be available for statics, so there will be 6 of those slots available for those that make the bookings **. Apologies for the disruption.

Anyone wishing to come along, please book by posting a comment. Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool induction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thursday 3rd April 2008

Anyone wishing to come along, please book by posting a comment. Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool induction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Friday, March 14, 2008

Thursday 27th March 2008

Anyone wishing to come along, please book by posting a comment. Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool induction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Thursday 20th March 2008

Tonight's trio of dynamicists were Magda, James and Gary. Our quartet of statictitioners were Georgie, Lucia, Dave and Mark. Commiserations to Dave on only making 9m30s in his static. Underachieving is a heavy burden to carry.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thursday 13th March 2008

Anyone wishing to come along, please book by posting a comment. Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool induction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Thursday 6th March 2008

Anyone wishing to come along, please book by posting a comment. Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool induction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Monday, February 18, 2008

Thursday 28th February 2008

Anyone wishing to come along, please book by posting a comment. Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool induction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Monday, February 11, 2008

Thursday 21st February 2008

Dynamic Dorados were Magda, Lucia, Ian and Gary. Static Sticklebacks were Ben, Tim, Toby and Mark.

Good luck to Judge Ben and Athlete Tim as they head off to Berlin this weekend. Richmond expects every man to do his duty.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thursday 14th February 2008

Anyone wishing to come along, please book by posting a comment. Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool induction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Friday, January 25, 2008

Thursday 7th February 2008

Anyone wishing to come along, please book by posting a comment. Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool induction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Thursday 31st January 2008

Anyone wishing to come along, please book by posting a comment. Choose which discipline you want to train in ( either static apnea or dynamic apnea ), and state which you will be doing. Before you post, check to see if there are more than five others doing the same discipline – if so, then please either choose the other discipline if possible, or book for the next week if it is showing. ( This means the maximum is 6 per discipline! )

Please do not book more than a week in advance unless you have been unable to book for the current week, due to full subscriptions. Anyone not understanding the above, or having trouble with postings, please mail Mark H.

** Attendees must be paid-up members of The British Freediving Association, and must either have completed a freediving pool induction or have the appropriate AIDA qualifications for the disciplines they are training in. **

Friday, January 04, 2008

Thursday 24th January 2008

Dynamic Dabblers were Anna, Alex and Benny. Static Squatters were Lucia, Toby, Lawrence and Mark. This hasn't happened for a while - more doing static than dynamic!

Well done to Lawrence with his PB. And good luck to Anna as she heads off to her first-ever pool competition in Geneva.